Tuesday, March 31, 2009


When I was younger I always thought that I wanted a tattoo, even so much that I was determined to get one.  I used to tell my parents that I was going to get one of our family crest and each time my parents responded in the sam way:  "If you get a tattoo, then you're on your own."  Wow I thought, isn't that a little extreme?  Tattoos have been apart of culture for as long as 5000 years ago, and up until recently have been respected.  Today it seems that tattoos are frowned upon(partly because there are a lot of "lower class" people who have covered themselves in ink.)  Why have tattoos become something which is generally frowned upon?  Shouldn't they be viewed as a form of expression and art?  I defiantly think that my feelings regarding tattoos has changed.  I can now say that I will probably never get a tattoo.  Why?  I'm not too sure, but it seems like I am afraid of being stereotyped into the category of someone with a tattoo, and today that really isn't a good thing.  Having a tattoo means one things today:  it is harder t get a job.  Do you think that our opinions of tattoos has changed for the better or worse?  Does having a tattoo automatically allow others to categorize you?

Free Will

I just learned something new in philosophy today.  I learned that there is no such thing as free will.  There is a view called determinism.  I'm not saying that I believe in it, but it does rais some very important questions in my mind.  Determinism basically says that there is no such thing as free will, and every action we take is caused by something else before it.  Take for instance stepping on a cat.  We would like to believe that we have the free will to choose for ourselves whether or not to step on the cat, but determinism says something different.  Determinism basically says that the choice to step on the cat or not is already determined because of other things that led up to the event.  As a child you may love cats, so your choice is to not step on the cat because you like cats.  On the other hand if as a child a cat killed your mother you would defiantly step on the cat.  It's kind of weird and eery feeling to think that everything we do is already pre-determined because of other causes in the past.  It makes sense though, all of the actions we take are based on our life experiences.  But how did it all start?  What was the cause before the cause and does that make us responsible for any of the actions we take?  Determinism raises an interesting question:  If there is always a chain of causes causing the causes, then should we have any moral obligation for our actions?  Some would answer no, and I might agree.  I think that even-though there is actually no moral obligations for our actions, we should act like there are.  What do you think?  Is determinism true?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Skinny Bitch

I commented on Almostfamous's post called : Skinny Bitch.  

Fat Tax

I commented on Katie's blog Fat Tax.  It is about whether or not there should be a tax imposed on fat people.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


It has always seemed that cars are the one way that everyone gets to see your "status" and for people to express their personal identity.  It used to be that there was only one type of car and maybe two colors, but today with enough money it seems that you can make whatever you are able to imagine a reality.  People today sometimes put more money into their cars than they spent on it in the first place.  We've all seen "scrapers".  Cars which were probably worth nothing turned into monster trucks because the rims are so big.  It doesn't make sense to me.  Why would these people spend so much money on the same car when they could have saved up and gotten a nice, reliable car.  The rims even make the car worse off.  I think that everything has come to the point of excess no matter what is going on.  Every sport, idea, and now car is being taken to the next level as our society continues to consume more in-order to fulfill its growing greed.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Are motorcycles a good thing to have and invest in?  Yes.  One good reason to purchase a motorcycle is  for fuel efficiency.  They have better milage than cars and can run much longer on one tank.  Another reason to get a motorcycle is to avoid traffic.  We have all seen it, a motorcycle whizzing past between cars while everyone else is at a dead stop.  Motorcycles are much better in cities and places where parking is hard to find as well.  They are a bette means of transportation, if that is all your are looking for.  I think that they should be used more than cars just like in Europe, because they are much more practical than SUV's.  Everyone should own a motorcycle or at least experience the thrill.