Monday, September 29, 2008


I commented on the post written by I heart Question Mark entitled the Great Depression of 2008.  Basically I expressed my belief for the government to not intervene.  My comment can be viewed by CLICKING


I commented on Patrick S.'s blog regarding biases in the media and its influences.  I wrote...  to view the blog CLICK


After playing an intense game of monopoly I feel like I am given insight to the real world.  During our game, which I lost, friends fought against one another, rivals were formed, and deals were made.  Monopoly is only a game, played with fake money and property but the true competitors went to extremes in order to win.  Some went even as far as to cheat, and strike deals with other players.  Out of the six people that were playing the game four were involved in underground trading.  It makes me wonder, can this game actually simulate some things that occur in the real world?
The game is eventually won by the person with the most monopolies, who is able to "run the board."  They are able to control all aspects of the game, because they have the most money.  Is our world run like this?  Does the more money you have mean the more power?  I think that our world is based off of this concept that money provides power.  It is getting harder and harder to start and run a small business when there are so many established large corporations.  Our society has allowed large businesses to take over, and now it is harder than ever to succeed without the financial support that the large corporations have.
I think that when there is a chance to buy a product locally, meaning from a non-corporate store, you should take it.  By supporting local venues and stores you take away the power that the large industries have taken over.  Do you think that corporations are beneficial for society, or do they bully around all the up and coming business owners?  I believe that allowing large company's to expand and grow as much as some of them have, has restricted our ability for a more competitive market.
For more reasons on why you should support local businesses click SUPPORT LOCAL.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Underlying MTV

Has anyone watched MTV recently?  I turned it on the other day, wondering what kind of shows were on it and was surprised by what I saw.  Music Television Videos is what the literal name of MTV is, so I figured that they would play music videos all day.  I was surprised when I started watching some completely fake show where a guy takes girls moms on dates in order to find out which one he would like the most.  The concept seems fine at first, but after you watch thirty seconds of it you realize that it is the most fake thing i've ever seen.  I don't understand how people watch it.  The guys on the show were only concerned with the looks of the daughters and every line seemed like it was handed to them.  The whole concept of MTV is based on materialism and trends.  They are trying to set a tone for how the younger majority of the world should be.  They give off the impression of "party, party, sex, sex."  I'm disappointed by the quality of shows being played, and overall it seems like the channel should no longer be called MTV, seeing as how it has nothing to do with the concept of music.  Do people not understand how fake it is or do they just not care?  Personally, MTV makes everyone worse off, especially those who believe in it's concepts and ideas.  
Check out how fake MTV actually is by clicking MTV fake.

Friday, September 5, 2008


When I first arrived here, at SMU, i was wondering which ways I would be able to relate to those around me.  I felt as though i was coming from a completely different culture than that of Dallas, TX.  I thought that my looks and general thoughts would make it hard for me to meet new people and make friends.  When I moved into Boaz, i knew who my room mate was, in fact I knew him my entire life.  We were trying to figure out what we might have in common with the people in out hall.  What could we possibly have in common with these other people?  After we set up our room and got situated we decided to play a game of FIFA.  (For those who don't know, FIFA is a video game on X-Box 360 about soccer.  We started it up and opened the door to try and meet some of the people on our floor.  Soon enough our neighbors came flocking in.  It turns out that FIFA was a common ground that allowed myself to meet the people on our floor and get to know them better.
Every day we have FIFA matches in our room.  I feel that it was a great way to meet all of the people we know now.  Hopefully, FIFA will continue to be a common ground to meet people.  It's very comforting to meet people who share the same interests as myself, even in a completely different environment and culture than I am used to.  What has connected you to the people you have met?  Are there any special ways of meeting people that you might have?