Tuesday, March 31, 2009


When I was younger I always thought that I wanted a tattoo, even so much that I was determined to get one.  I used to tell my parents that I was going to get one of our family crest and each time my parents responded in the sam way:  "If you get a tattoo, then you're on your own."  Wow I thought, isn't that a little extreme?  Tattoos have been apart of culture for as long as 5000 years ago, and up until recently have been respected.  Today it seems that tattoos are frowned upon(partly because there are a lot of "lower class" people who have covered themselves in ink.)  Why have tattoos become something which is generally frowned upon?  Shouldn't they be viewed as a form of expression and art?  I defiantly think that my feelings regarding tattoos has changed.  I can now say that I will probably never get a tattoo.  Why?  I'm not too sure, but it seems like I am afraid of being stereotyped into the category of someone with a tattoo, and today that really isn't a good thing.  Having a tattoo means one things today:  it is harder t get a job.  Do you think that our opinions of tattoos has changed for the better or worse?  Does having a tattoo automatically allow others to categorize you?


Thyrston said...

I definitely agree with you about tattoos. I recently got one on my foot. My parents were okay about it, but my dad said that he would have been really upset if I had gotten a "tramp stamp." I can see how they have gotten a bad name because many people use it as a form of rebellion. Also, like you said, often the people who are covered in them participate in activities that are looked down upon.

However, I feel that tattoos deserve more respect than they are given. People who get tattoos most commonly get them because it has a specific meaning to them. I got my tattoo because it represents my family to me. Tattoos are also a life-long commitment. People who are willing to commit to something for that long should be commended, not punished.

I believe that tattoos should be looked at as sacred if they mean that much to a person. I won't be getting any more tattoos any time soon, but not because I don't like them. It is only because I don't know what else I would want to commit to for that amount of time.

iheartquestionmark said...

I personally have always wanted to get a tattoo. My mom had once said it would be ok if I got a small one, however my dad would probably kill me. Nevertheless, I really do not see what the big deal is as long as it is not huge or something stupid.
Like Thryston, my tattoo would represent my family. It would have a symbol of the business my father worked so hard to build and somewhere it would have my grandfather’s initials. I would not get it where it would always be visible on a daily basis, so I do not think it would hinder my ability to get a job.
I have a perfect example of a way tattoos have been used in a negative way. At my old workplace, there was a frequent customer who had a tattoo of his “baby girl’s” name under his left eye (right on his cheekbone). I think that is just plain stupid. I do not understand why someone would put something like that on his or her face. It reminds me of how gang members put teardrops under their eyes. Is it to look like a badass? I really just do not understand it.
I just think it is very sad how some people can abuse old and respected traditions.

stangs! said...

Tattoos have never really been my thing. I think this is mainly due to the fact that most of the thugs and criminals you see on the news and on TV usually have a lot of tattoos and this sort of associates tattoos to criminals. The fact that you have to bear a sign or symbol on your body has never really attracted me. Especially when many people immediately judge people bearing tattoos. Another reason that I have never really had an interest in getting a tattoo is because it simply isn't something a gentleman or a respectable person would have. Why carry a tattoo that you might like having for a few years but then growing up you might actually regret it and have to endure the pain of having it taken off. When you grow up and you have children would you want your children to see your tattoos and find it OK to tattoo themselves since their father/mother has one?

Lynn said...

I personally have never been a fan of tattoos. I do not have anything against anyone with a tattoo, I have just never felt the desire to get one. My reasons are because I think that tattoos are too trendy. Not in the sense that "everyone" is getting them or because its the "cool" thing to do, but due to the fact that it is permanent. I remember in high school when peace signs were trendy. Several students in my class decided to go get large tattoos of peace signs on their bodies. I thought this was stupid because in a couple years a peace sign may not be as popular and probably will not be the latest trend as it was in high school. I think that by having a tattoo you are categorizing yourself. You are branding a permanent label on your body for all to see. I think that people get tattoos to be shown or else why would they get them? I would never want to put anything permanent on my body and I am also deathly afraid of needles. However, if people feel the need to make that kind of statement then that is their own decision and I will try my best not to judge.