Monday, September 29, 2008


After playing an intense game of monopoly I feel like I am given insight to the real world.  During our game, which I lost, friends fought against one another, rivals were formed, and deals were made.  Monopoly is only a game, played with fake money and property but the true competitors went to extremes in order to win.  Some went even as far as to cheat, and strike deals with other players.  Out of the six people that were playing the game four were involved in underground trading.  It makes me wonder, can this game actually simulate some things that occur in the real world?
The game is eventually won by the person with the most monopolies, who is able to "run the board."  They are able to control all aspects of the game, because they have the most money.  Is our world run like this?  Does the more money you have mean the more power?  I think that our world is based off of this concept that money provides power.  It is getting harder and harder to start and run a small business when there are so many established large corporations.  Our society has allowed large businesses to take over, and now it is harder than ever to succeed without the financial support that the large corporations have.
I think that when there is a chance to buy a product locally, meaning from a non-corporate store, you should take it.  By supporting local venues and stores you take away the power that the large industries have taken over.  Do you think that corporations are beneficial for society, or do they bully around all the up and coming business owners?  I believe that allowing large company's to expand and grow as much as some of them have, has restricted our ability for a more competitive market.
For more reasons on why you should support local businesses click SUPPORT LOCAL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Look at what deregulation has done to the airlines! The lack of competition has only driven up the prices for consumers and lowered the quality of service.