Sunday, November 30, 2008

My Comment on Wordwideviewer's Post : "Voting"

My comment on Wordwideviewer's Post : "Voting."I don't think it should matter if the rest of the world is changed by you're vote. The amazing thing is that you have a hand in shaping the future of your country. It is just an amazing concept that everyone who is a citizen of the the United States has the opportunity and ability to voice their opinion, and as a result the majority of our country will hopefully be happy because they represent the largest portion of the people. I think that when people don't use the opportunity to vote, they are ruining it for everyone else, because the more that vote the, the more will be happy. Voting is an opportunity that we have in our country that everyone should take advantage of.


So the time is approaching to rush.  The question is:  Is greek life for me?  
In my family, my dad's side, his father was in a fraternity as well as my father.  My sister was a large part of her sorority as well, so I guess I'm feeling a little bit of pressure to rush.  I also think that a large part of the social life here at SMU is based on the greek system.  Is there somewhat of an indirect social pressure to rush here?  I definitely think so.  The reason of my uncertainty to rush is not because I think that I will not have a good time, I am just unsure of whether or not a fraternity is the right thing for me.  Does this mean that I am not the typical version of an SMU male student?  I don't think so.  
Over more than 60% of the student body at SMU is involved in Greek Life.  The majority of the student body is obviously involved, so how does the other 40% socialize?  I have no idea.  I almost feel forced to be involved in a frat, just so that I will be able to meet 60 percent of the people here.  
My final decision is still up in the air.  What do you think?  Is it possible to still be a part of the majority of social activities without being involved in a frat, or is there no hope?

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving time was the first time that I had been home in a while(around 3 months).  It was an opportunity for me to see all of my family, friends, and spend time with all of them.  It's an odd feeling walking back into a room that you lived in all your life and having the feeling that no one lives there.  When I came back, i noticed things that I had never seen before.  First of all, the toilet paper.  I never realized how rough it is until I got back to my house and used some "quilted."  I feel like being at college has made me appreciate all of the things that I have at home.  It has made me realize all of the small things.  I have become more appreciative of my time with my parents and my sister.  It has caused me to enjoy my time with my family, and look forward to seeing them.  This is different from how I used to thing during High School where I thought that they were there only to limit my fun.  Thanksgiving dinner was different for me this year.  I think it is the first time that i was actually treated as an adult.  I shared intellectual conversations with almost everyone at the table, and it seemed in my own mind that I had matured.  Being back from college has made me realize that it's time for me to start acting like an adult, and start appreciating everything that is in my life.  How have your views changes so far?  Have you become closer with your family?  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My COmment

Heatmoon is on a differnet search. One that I don't think Miz Alice has ever gone on. He is going to find what life is actually about, to find out what is fulfilling and meaningful to him. I think that Miz ALice has never needed to take this journey because she already knows what she believes, and she already feels at home. I think that she should take the trip, just as Heatmoon is. She could realize that her life is not what she had thought. The more we explore our surroundings, the more we learn. How Miz Alice know so much when she has remained on the same small island for most of her life?


"We've had electricity on the island for only the last twenty-nine years. Phones for less than that. We've been a rustic tribe."(p.389)
What does this mean, and furthermore why would they do such a thing? Is it because they cannot afford the new technological advances? Do they feel the need to not use technology and to rely completly on themselves? Do they not see the benefit of technology?
What are the long-lasting effects of the island staying "rustic"?
I know that in some places and in some communities, they try to preserve the ancient ways. They believe that if it worked so well in thew past then why cannot it workl well forever. The beliefs of people who choose to stay technologically un-advanced are cauzing large communities of these people to stay behind and not contribute much to society. In a way, I feel like the people in our country who won't use modern advances are holding everyone back. They are not expanding their horizons, learning new things and becoming more inventive. Being stuck in the old way of doing things, to me, holds everyone back. Don't you think that the people who come from this small island will leave, and then be forced to return back to their humble begennings because they couldn't cope in the technological world?
Can the people of the island really advance in life without using the modern tools that everone else uses?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Comment on Kelevra's "Steroids for your brain"

CLICK HERE to see Kelevra's post on steroids for your brain as well as my comment. I myself am prescribed Aderall. I decided recently to stop taking it. I hated the effects, the feeling of being on it, and the lack of emotion that it caused me to not feel. I had taken it for 4 years, and I decided recently that it is unhealthy. It made me feel sick at sometimes, but it was necessary for me to get my work done. Some people abuse it though. I feel that most people prescribed these "brain steroids" do not actually need it. The medical companies are set on making money, and Aderall is one of their biggest opportunities for profit. I think that anything is fine, but to an extent,

My Post to Think Again's post :Call And Response

CLICK THIS to view my comment regarding human trafficking. Human trafficking? This has always been something that freaked me out. I find it so weird that people make a living by smuggling other people. It makes me think that people are less human, especially when they are being treated like contraband. It de-personalizes the human character. It makes me sick to think that some people are still being bought like a dog or a car. The people in this industry make me sick, and I feel like they have no concern for the welfare of anyone else.

Schooling Re-Write new title: FIFA

How am I suppose to fit in? 
New friends...uhhh oh!
There are many different ways to make new friends its all about finding your place.  MY PLACE
When I first arrived here, at SMU, I was wondering which ways I would be able to relate to those around me.  I felt as though i was coming from a completely different culture than that of Dallas, TX.  I thought that my looks and general thoughts would make it hard for me to meet new people and make friends.  When I moved into Boaz, i knew who my room mate was, in fact I knew him my entire life.  We were trying to figure out what we might have in common with the people in out hall.  What could we possibly have in common with these other people?  After we set up our room and got situated we decided to play a game of FIFA.  (For those who don't know, FIFA is a video game on X-Box 360 about soccer.  We started it up and opened the door to try and meet some of the people on our floor.  Soon enough our neighbors came flocking in.  It turns out that FIFA was a common ground that allowed myself to meet the people on our floor and get to know them better.
Every day we have FIFA matches in our room.  I feel that it was a great way to meet all of the people we know now.  Hopefully, FIFA will continue to be a common ground to meet people.  It's very comforting to meet people who share the same interests as myself, even in a completely different environment and culture than I am used to.  What has connected you to the people you have met?  Are there any special ways of meeting people that you might have?