Wednesday, November 5, 2008


"We've had electricity on the island for only the last twenty-nine years. Phones for less than that. We've been a rustic tribe."(p.389)
What does this mean, and furthermore why would they do such a thing? Is it because they cannot afford the new technological advances? Do they feel the need to not use technology and to rely completly on themselves? Do they not see the benefit of technology?
What are the long-lasting effects of the island staying "rustic"?
I know that in some places and in some communities, they try to preserve the ancient ways. They believe that if it worked so well in thew past then why cannot it workl well forever. The beliefs of people who choose to stay technologically un-advanced are cauzing large communities of these people to stay behind and not contribute much to society. In a way, I feel like the people in our country who won't use modern advances are holding everyone back. They are not expanding their horizons, learning new things and becoming more inventive. Being stuck in the old way of doing things, to me, holds everyone back. Don't you think that the people who come from this small island will leave, and then be forced to return back to their humble begennings because they couldn't cope in the technological world?
Can the people of the island really advance in life without using the modern tools that everone else uses?

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