Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving time was the first time that I had been home in a while(around 3 months).  It was an opportunity for me to see all of my family, friends, and spend time with all of them.  It's an odd feeling walking back into a room that you lived in all your life and having the feeling that no one lives there.  When I came back, i noticed things that I had never seen before.  First of all, the toilet paper.  I never realized how rough it is until I got back to my house and used some "quilted."  I feel like being at college has made me appreciate all of the things that I have at home.  It has made me realize all of the small things.  I have become more appreciative of my time with my parents and my sister.  It has caused me to enjoy my time with my family, and look forward to seeing them.  This is different from how I used to thing during High School where I thought that they were there only to limit my fun.  Thanksgiving dinner was different for me this year.  I think it is the first time that i was actually treated as an adult.  I shared intellectual conversations with almost everyone at the table, and it seemed in my own mind that I had matured.  Being back from college has made me realize that it's time for me to start acting like an adult, and start appreciating everything that is in my life.  How have your views changes so far?  Have you become closer with your family?  

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