Sunday, November 30, 2008


So the time is approaching to rush.  The question is:  Is greek life for me?  
In my family, my dad's side, his father was in a fraternity as well as my father.  My sister was a large part of her sorority as well, so I guess I'm feeling a little bit of pressure to rush.  I also think that a large part of the social life here at SMU is based on the greek system.  Is there somewhat of an indirect social pressure to rush here?  I definitely think so.  The reason of my uncertainty to rush is not because I think that I will not have a good time, I am just unsure of whether or not a fraternity is the right thing for me.  Does this mean that I am not the typical version of an SMU male student?  I don't think so.  
Over more than 60% of the student body at SMU is involved in Greek Life.  The majority of the student body is obviously involved, so how does the other 40% socialize?  I have no idea.  I almost feel forced to be involved in a frat, just so that I will be able to meet 60 percent of the people here.  
My final decision is still up in the air.  What do you think?  Is it possible to still be a part of the majority of social activities without being involved in a frat, or is there no hope?


J.r. Blogger said...

Please don't remind me.

It seems like everyone I talk to is 100% going to join a frat and they know which one/ones they want to be in.

Here I am sitting on my hands unable to decipher the douchiest frat from the dopest.

Although, I'm positive if I don't join a frat that I won't immediately get cut out of the social scene.

for there is a world beyond frats
...a world with out douch baggery
...a world where you don't have to wear button ups
....oh do I dream about that world.

Anonymous said...

Just be ready to give up another 24-48 hours per week that you don't have, and expect a full letter grade drop in your GPA. Reality, especially for the guys. Youmight also find yourself with some new bruises and abrasions on the tops of your feet--that you just cannot explain.