Sunday, November 30, 2008
My Comment on Wordwideviewer's Post : "Voting"
Thanksgiving Dinner
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My COmment
What does this mean, and furthermore why would they do such a thing? Is it because they cannot afford the new technological advances? Do they feel the need to not use technology and to rely completly on themselves? Do they not see the benefit of technology?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My Comment on Kelevra's "Steroids for your brain"
My Post to Think Again's post :Call And Response
Schooling Re-Write new title: FIFA
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Gay Marriage?
Coming from an area close to San Francisco, a breeding ground for gay men, I have seen how much the views on gays and gay marriage differ. I think this is probably because of the way each of us were brought up, and the people we were around. In California, it seems that gay people and marriage are accepted more so than in Texas, perhaps because California has chosen to legalize gay marriage. What's the difference? Why do gay people want to have the right to get married so much?
Persons against gay marriage believe that it is contrary to their religion for same-sex marriages. They see it incorrect for persons of the same sex to get married, and therefore believe that they should not have the same rights that most married couples receive. They say that the lifestyle is dirty and don't want their families exposed to that type of lifestyle.
Persons in favor of gay marriage believe that it is their right to have the same opportunities as “normal” couples. They feel that it is discriminating to not allow persons of different sexual preferences to have the same rights. Many gay persons want the right to get married simply because they want the law and government to recognize them as an actual married couple.
Many places across the U.S. have different views on this controversial topic. The more southern the state, the more against the unification of the same sex they are. I believe that the government shouldn’t be allowed to control the rights that couples have. What’s the difference? Who should be able to tell people what to do? When should the government’s power be limited?